Familiarize yourself with the pivotal characters who drive the story forward between OUTLIER Seasons 1-3.

레이서 오렌 루션
Voiced by Joe Zieja
("Loo-Shun Or-Ren Lay-Sir")
Nickname: Lu | Honorific: Lacer'sha
Prince of Cassius
Male | Snow Elf (Cassian)
DOB: 11/16/2582 (18 years old)
Who is the Prince of cassius?
Hyperpolyglot (fluent in 6+ languages)
- Was raised by a deaf family member, resulting in a present-day tendency to pair sign with speech
Lesser Race sympathizer
Weapon of Choice: Tonfas
Holding the title of Prince of Cassius, he is a charming figure amongst his people, yet grossly misunderstood; Lucian often faces brutal rejection in response to his compassionate stance towards "Lessers" (a derogatory term for anyone who isn't an Elf).
Shining brightly with his sharp intelligence and exceptional skill in traditional combat, Lucian easily makes up for his shortcomings in magic. His rebellious spirit and problematic ways, rooted in a deep fear of abandonment and unresolved childhood trauma, leave him with a laundry list of undesirable moody traits and somewhat toxic behavior.
Notorious for his sweet-and-sour attitude that can flip like a switch, Lucian's iconic unpredictability often catches others off guard, making him a challenging friend to be around. This defining trait, for better or worse, gives him a reputation as a fierce adversary one moment... and a vulnerable ally the next.
Even still, despite his self-destructive tendencies, guarded nature, and unmanaged codependency — there lies a heart flooded with sincere altruism and a pure desire to challenge injustice.

콜드웰 얼레사
("Uh-Less-Uh Kald-Well")
Honorific: Caldwell'sha
Heiress to House Caldwell
Female | Snow Elf (Cassian)
DOB: 3/20/2583 (17 years old)
Who is Lady CALDWELL'sha?
Lucian's ex-girlfriend
Military brat
Adopted into a disgraced branch of the Caldwell family
Skilled umbral caster & rare Void Tamer
Summoner of dark fox entities from another realm
Never to be categorized as the clichéd "damsel in distress," Oleyssa is a courageous and confident fighter. Reflective of her formidable abilities, this dirty-blonde sweetheart carries herself with a unique blend of emotional maturity and resilience.
Defined by an air of extreme patience and understanding, Oleyssa's bottomless kindness is easily abused and frequently taken advantage of.
As one of the pitfalls of living a sheltered life and harboring somewhat delusional romantic views, her innocent demeanor and weak boundaries around her ex-boyfriend, Lucian, often leaves her vulnerable to repeated heartbreak and disappointment.

로씨 잭도
("Jak-Daw Ross-See")
Nickname: JD
Royal Servant to the Lacer Family
Male | Anemoi (Lesser)
DOB: 01/02/2581 (19 years old)
Who is Jackdaw "JD" rossi?
Allegiance pledged to the oppressive Elven kingdom
Hated by the Lessers for belonging to a family of turncoats
Magic forcefully sealed away as punishment for committing a high crime ("Revoked")
As a royal servant to the esteemed Lacer family who ruthlessly rules over Cassius and the realm it conquers, Jackdaw unashamedly pledges his allegiance to the oppressive Elven kingdom regardless of being born as one of the Lesser Races it enslaves.
Hailing from a family of turncoats, Jackdaw is despised by other Lessers, bearing the weight of their disdain due to his familial connections to the enemy.
Known for his sharp tongue and short temper, JD’s sarcasm and cynicism are matched only by his unfiltered remarks and unwanted opinions. It is this very boldness and bluntness that often serves as an anchor for his best friend, Lucian; helping keep the Prince's very questionable decision-making in check.

오잔 아리스
("Uh-Reese Oh-Zaun")
AKA: "The Reaper's Shadow"
Male | Boor/Elf (Lesser)
DOB: 05/12/1976 (624 years old)
Chosen disciple of Kane the Umbral God
Weapons expert (preference: katana, karambit, wakizashi)
Ex-contract criminal, previously involved in organized crime
Immortality granted under a contract with an Archdemon
Bastard son of a S'ungrave Elder Chieftain, orphaned at a young age
Aariz embodies a mix of Boor (a catch-all term for Goblins, Orcs, and Trolls) and Elven lineage. Pushing 624 years old, his existence is marked by immortality that was granted through a contract with the Archdemon of Devotion.
Born as the bastard son of a S'ungrave Elder Chieftain, he faced early orphanhood and quickly found himself raised in organized crime. Growing up in a dog-eat-dog realm, Aariz adapted himself into a terrifying force to be reckoned with, boasting an undefeated record in battle and an insane mastery of swordplay.
Though dangerous to his enemies, this half-blood can be seen as weak-minded in the presence of those he cherishes most. Aariz has a notorious tendency to form swift and intense attachments, captivating others with his playful allure. Behind his charismatic facade lies a character who embodies a mix of charm, unpredictability, and an intricate blend of chaotic loyalty that hides a troubled past.

어둠의 신 케인
AKA: "The Reaper"
Divine of Reality, Inner Peace, & Wisdom
Male | Celestial God
Honorary "DOB" (assigned by Aariz):
07/04/???? — age unknown
Who is "THE REAPER"?
Last remaining celestial god in the Physical Realm
Insanely powerful, unique ability to bend or fracture reality
Can be won over easily with offerings, gifts are said to be his love language
Doesn't live up to his reputation of being very wise or at peace
Caius' mirrored half; artificial creation of Reyneaus the Primordial God
Kane is an immensely powerful caster gifted with the unique ability to unravel the fabric of reality.
Much like the "twin" he is closely bonded to, this Celestial God is fraught with flaws, ironically failing to live up to his own concepts. Far from the serene and wise figure many expect, he can swing violently between protectiveness and hostile aggression, particularly quick to ignite when provoked.
As such, Kane is ultimately defined by his tendency to nurse grudges and respond poorly to any acts of betrayal, valuing unwavering loyalty and trust above all else. Offerings and gifts are rumored to sway the Umbral God’s favor and pacify his temper… though he still remains somewhat difficult to predict. To a rare few, he is a selfless deity who places others before himself. To everyone else? A vengeful force who only serves his own interests.
Either way, staying in his good graces is probably a wise move.

빛의 신 카이우스
Divine of Abstract Concepts,
Judgement, & Enlightenment
Male | Celestial God
Honorary "DOB" (assigned by Aariz):
07/04/???? — age unknown
First celestial god to experience death, murdered by his most trusted 600 years ago, spirit sealed inside a divine artifact
Smoking reliance, addictive nature
Kane's mirrored half; artificial creation of Reyneaus the Primordial God
Betrayed and murdered by his most trusted over half a millennium ago, Caius’ life essence was sealed inside a divine artifact that, present-day, falls into the possession of Lucian Oren Lacer. As a lonely spirit whose existence is bound to a mere piece of armor, he trudges through the afterlife plagued with the echoes of drug addiction and an untrusting attitude.
Caius is nothing short of a flawed god, showcasing a demeanor that switches between aloofness and a jaded bitterness; often portraying himself as a petty, judgmental Divine who rarely indulges in conversations with others unless deemed worthy of his time... unless, of course, you're lucky enough to gain his favor. In that case, be prepared for his distinctive out-of-place humor and (much like the element of light he represents) his warm, enlightened perspective to serve as a beacon of guidance during times of struggle.
Although Caius does harbor an unfair disdain for mortals, there is no denying the god fosters an odd sense of favoritism towards Lucian; quickly stepping into a genuine, yet sometimes half-efforted, fatherly role.

Argus Lacer
Lucian's older brother; Crown Prince of Cassius

Callum Lacer
Lucian's father; King of Cassius; Enemy of the Lesser Races

Jayce Caldwell
Oleyssa's adoptive father; General to the Elven Army

Nimorra Hyun
Head of the Elven King's Council; Callum's royal advisor

Haegris The Void Warden
aka. "The Shadebender"
The Umbral God's Void Warden; Keeper of Kane & Caius' temple

Gustaev the wind god
Divine of Freedom & Wit; His spirit-bound artifact serves as a weapon for Jackdaw

KAplan The Dimensional Relic
Lucian's bestowed guardian, a silent vigil with a hidden past, remnant of a forgotten era

Reyneaus the Primordial god
Divine of Creation, Destruction, & Change; Creator of the Celestial Gods
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